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Science activities for parents of babies, toddlers and school children.
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how long does it take for it to happen and sounds like soft drink need to be taken off the market all together, another unnecessary source of CO2?
It was about 30 hours when we checked ours, 24 hours is definitely enough for it to be nice and soft.
Cool drinks are carbon neutral, at least the actual fizz is 😀 Carbon dioxide is put in under pressure, then bubbles out when you open them. They aren’t actually producing extra carbon dioxide. They’re basically cordial or ‘fruit juice drink’ with fizz.
Do the eggs smell after the shell has dissolved?
Nope, although we put ours straight in the fridge after playing with them. The membrane is permeable so bacteria will get in, but they have absorbed quite a bit of vinegar which kills bacteria. It will be interesting to see what happens
Deb, nice touch at the end tying it to dental problems and real world issues. 🙂 Cheers, Colin
Colin Wee´s latest amazing offering ..The Butt of Bitchiness
Ocean acidification isn’t really out in the public consciousness yet, but it sounds like it’s going to be a real problem.
So cool. I’m doing this with the girls this weekend. Thanks Deb.
Kelly B´s latest amazing offering ..Zucchini Slice Recipe- No Oil
Oh, and awesome helpers! Good job girls!!!
Kelly B´s latest amazing offering ..Zucchini Slice Recipe- No Oil
I was shocked when I was editing – she did that cold with no rehearsal but she’s like a little professional.
Oh wow! I’ve never seen this before, how amazing that the membranes can still hold it all together.
Glowless´s latest amazing offering ..Ive got HOT BUNS! – Giveaway
I’d only done it with raw eggs before this, the membranes are so amazing. There’s a lot of cut footage of me going ‘Wow!’
Correction – I’d never done it with raw eggs, only boiled eggs.
I have done these before. As part of a topic on dinosaurs.
The kids loved them
My four year old says an impressed “Wowww!” Might have to do this. THanks.
Kirrily´s latest amazing offering ..Renovation Rewind reminder
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