This article is basic however I wonder if anyone has ever stopped to imagine just what life would be like without electricity. Even things we consider to be “mechanical” would often not work or function properly without it. Energy and electricity is the one thing, that no matter what the economy is in the world, we will always need. When we find a substance that can super-conduct in normal human livable temperatures the world as we know it will change substantially!
I'm Deb, an ex-(paid)science teacher now a SAHM to two girls. I'm always looking for fun activities to do with my kids, so I thought I'd share them around.
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This article is basic however I wonder if anyone has ever stopped to imagine just what life would be like without electricity. Even things we consider to be “mechanical” would often not work or function properly without it. Energy and electricity is the one thing, that no matter what the economy is in the world, we will always need. When we find a substance that can super-conduct in normal human livable temperatures the world as we know it will change substantially!
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