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Science activities for parents of babies, toddlers and school children.
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Great ideas all! I particularly like the idea of introducing Mancala games. I think my 7 year old and 5 year old would love them. I’ll have to give it a try.
My eldest, who is on a big geology kick at the moment, would probably add “Collect, identify and read about them” to your list. Her ever-expanding cabinet of geological treasures bears testament to that 😉
Ooh, I especially like #10 – I hadn’t thought of that one before, but my kids would love it! Thanks for the idea!
maryanne´s latest amazing offering ..Home- A Learning Laboratory
since they added a new area to our local park the stepping stones have become one of our favourite piece of equipment. They start out narrow, then fan our on each side, then back to narrow again, so we each get at one narrow end then race to the other end and se who makes it first. Would help me win if someone called out “Go!” before they were halfway through! LOL
Thank you for sharing such a terrific list of ideas 🙂
jenny @ let the children play´s latest amazing offering ..string painting
This post rocks! (Sorry). I’m quite an enthusiast about earth science. I’ve several rock and stone posts on my blog including http://creativestarlearning.blogspot.com/2009/03/reflections-on-rock-collections.html and this post about an amazing school geology trail http://creativestarlearning.blogspot.com/2010/08/geology-at-coombes-school.html There’s a link at the bottom of this post to some excellent “Primary Earth Science Outdoors” which have lots of ideas based around 5 big science questions.
Juliet@ I’m a teacher get me OUTSIDE here!´s latest amazing offering ..Reading Books Outdoors
love it!
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