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Science activities for parents of babies, toddlers and school children.
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Thank you for this excellent post and your others about the science behind vaccines.
There was an ABC Radio National ‘Rear Vision’ program about Andrew Wakefield and the MMR vaccine scare broadcast in 2010 which makes for good listening (or you can read a transcript). Here’s the link;
Thanks for that, I will check it out.
Yay for science!
I just read some stupid anti-vax piece and I find it so reassuring to read something sensible on this topic.
Hear, hear!
A very well written article with none of the name-calling that too often discredits those who choose to speak out in a controversial issue. What a relief these findings have been to me, who, as a parent has felt the need to DEFEND my decision to protect my kids from deadly diseases – by friends who have chosen not to protect their children from the same illnesses, thereby putting all of us at risk. Thank you for taking the time to write this post.
Heidi´s latest amazing offering ..Christmas Cheer
You’re welcome, I know the feeling. The bit I find the worst is the way he used so many people, yet they are still defending him. Parents who want to do the right thing by their kids.
A great article Deb, it is rare to read anything on EITHER side of the vaccine argument that is not written emotionally or attacking the other side. No one should really have to defend their choice to vaccinate or not – I think its really a matter of researching all the available information (and hopefully finding reliable information covering both sides and its hard to find either) and then making a choice that takes all that into account and sits well with your own values and priorities, and no one should be attacked for deciding either way.
I agree parents should not be condemned, they are trying to do their best for their kids. However the people who spread lies, misinformation and fear should be outed and stood up to at every opportunity. How are parents supposed to make decisions when they are being lied to?
As for information on both sides, science doesn’t actually work that way. ‘Balance’ and ‘both sides’ are social justice concepts, not scientific concepts. In science you look at where the majority of the good evidence lies and it is heavily biased, but biased towards facts. There is no genuine scientific controversy over vaccinations. The reason good information on one side is hard to find is because there isn’t any. And personally I’ve always found there is a lot of very good information that supports the use of vaccines. Try http://www.immunise.gov.au in Australia, and of course talking to your doctor or clinic nurse. If you are unsure let them know beforehand and they can schedule a longer appointment and find information for you.
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